Friday, March 7, 2014

Some more details about Zion and driving and eating

Drove through empty highways and high desert and small towns listening to bad country music, static and christian preachers on the radio:

driving down a road with music:

i feel like driving through and seeing this side of "small town" america should better inform about the culture war and conservative mindset.  But i still dont' get it. I sort of see the need for big four wheel drive trucks to navigate the snow and ice and hills, I get the big pieces of cheap land, I get the non existent police presence (saw one cop car in my four days north of phoenix), I get the small town vibe, i get the overwhelming pervasiveness of religiosity...but...I still don't get it.


Here's a picture of me in front of my motel room and rental car, and the view from the parking lot of my Zion motel room.

 I think I drove over a thousand miles in those four days.

Drove a thousand miles and ate nothing but Americana:


Dinner: chicken fried steak: (with guacamole as contrast of flavor and texture, so maybe it's not that americana, in the end)

Utah drinking laws.  I had two pints and was wondering why I wasn't catching a buzz before I remembered I was in Utah, so I googled utah alcohol laws on my smart phone and realized those beers could have at most 3.2% alcohol content.  what a waste of my money. what a disappointing way to cap off days of hiking and traveling. 

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