Saturday, March 1, 2014

Angel's Landing

Just got to have faith that, sometimes, all will turn out beautifully.  The weather looked like this when I was expecting rain and clouds and snow:

That little peak at the top of the  mountain on the left is the top of Angel's Landing.

I totally got fooled again by travel writers.  It was presented as a kind of dangerous spur ridge trek that is anchored with metal chains to help people across, and that it was so scary there were only five foot wide paths with chains on them where you could fall to your death thousands of feet below.... but seriously, you could pirouette your way across that thing in the dark with a bottle of rum in one hand and not even blink twice.  Might be a little harder in the rain though, those sandstones can get pretty slick.

it's pretty big.

Sometimes, you got to have faith.  on my way up the trail, a giant group of frat boys caught up to me and were being themselves, loud and annoying. And i kid you not, while hiking through some of the most god-graced scenery in this great land ours, one guy was talking about some "slut" he hooked up with last week.... jesus save me.

So, I turned off and hiked a different trail for a little while because i didn't want to be stuck near them on the ridge (which is usually slow going and backed up because of the one-person at a time path). There were so many people coming and going, I was pretty sure I wasn't going to meet my goal of getting a naked picture at the top of Angel's Landing in Zion.  I walked around the West Rim Trail for awhile before going back to do Angels, I got to the peak, then this happened:

...I had the top to myself.  

Angel's Landing is amazing and fun and beautiful.  I would go back for sure.  It's just fun hike, lots of scrambling.

Lesson: never ever travel anywhere during high season, travel during cold weather is perfectly fine.  I went when I went, and it was still kind of crowded and annoying.  I can't imagine that place during high season.  I can't imagine that place in hot weather either.   Much like how I wouldn't want to go to India during the summer monsoons, I wouldn't want to go to the high desert national parks in the hot summer. 

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