Saturday, March 1, 2014


Sometimes, I forget that you just have to have faith.   The weather today, Saturday, was fantastic.  The weather forecast was predicting rain and clouds and cold weather, it turned out perfect.  It was good that I didn't try to force Angel's landing yesterday and saved it for today and changed my plans to spend two days in Zion.

I learned that there are some things in life that are true across continents, cultures and societies, and that is: weather reports are useless.

I learned that there are some incredibly depressing "settlements" along northern arizona, that I can only assume are Indian reservation lands.  They are dilapidated homes miles apart from each other and if near each other, in clusters of no more than a handful.  I don't know who lives in these places, nor why, nor what they do.  They are in the middle of nowhere.

It doesn't surprise me that all they do on the reservations is drink and kill themselves, if these are what reservations actually are (i had no idea they looked like this).  What else are you going to do?

Update: timely article: The hard Lives and High suicide rate of Indian Children

McDonald's, I learned is more than a fast food chain, they are a part of the American infrastructure (and culture too, i assume).  They do something that the US government really doesn't do on those long lonely highways, which is to provide free restrooms (and food too if you eat McDonalds) and highway signage.

Small town America trips me out.  

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