Thursday, June 12, 2014

Road Tripping

You can only see so many small towns, interstates, highways, byways, farms and monuments before you get kind of jaded by it all.  This is not to say I don't like car road trips, I think i Just want to do quality over quantity in the future.  Instead of going far and wide and fast, i would like to focus in and dig deep into an area, really understand the local know?

It took a couple of days but my body got into road tripping trip shape a few days into.  That first day after driving about 11 hours and being on the road for 13, I was hurting.  But now, a 4 hour drive is easy peasy.

Ever get the feeling the world is too big?  I know its a big world out there, and it's a both comforting and annoying fact.

Also, I have to stop saying that the North Shore is too far.  It's not that far of a drive.  I realize that now.

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