Friday, December 23, 2011

Recap: Jaisalmer

- I haven't looked in a mirror for six days now. there are no mirrors in the desert, nor in my hotel. A sneaky Indian could have drawn a giant penis on my forehead while I slept and I wouldn't know.

- I have showered only once in Jaisalmer.

- During the beginning of my trip, I feared I wouldn't be able to get away from India while I was in India, but I was wrong. I was able to get away from the crowd and noise, thank god I was able to get away.

- Back home, I may find a hair in my food once a year. Here in India, I find hairs a few times a week. I guess it makes sense that I'd find hair in my food here, it plays into the whole "dirty and unclean" reputation this country has (and rightly deserves), but I suspect they do it on purpose. It must be a willful thing because it's just not possible for that much hair to end up in food on accident. For all the years I've cooked at home and worked at a restaurant, I have never had hair fall into the food unnoticed (yes, I know).

- A good day now is a day with firm regular bowel movement. If I see or do anything interesting on top of that, that makes it a great day. Life is simple when you travel.