Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The urge to indulge in my parent's 108" screen, home theater system and 500 channels of daydream stimulation is powerful. Must resist.

It's easy to say "no" to a desire when the object of temptation is not constantly in your awareness, when it is not easily acquired or when it is not in your presence. But when that temptation, TV in this example, is sitting just a few feet away from you, offering itself to you every second of every minute it becomes harder and harder to say no. It is difficult to maintain composure and focus under that constant pressure. All it takes is one moment of weakness in a moment of boredom and a lifetime's effort of self-control is lost.

Therefore, it is best to avoid being in the presence of temptation. If you are self aware enough to know what is good for you, then you will either remove the object of desire or remove yourself from the awkward situation of temptation. Do not make the mistake of believing you can live next to temptation yet be untouched by it; that requires powerful wisdom.

But the ability to lead a chaste life depends a lot on the circumstance of freedoms and choice. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't, get away from temptation. Sometimes you want to, sometimes you don't.

In addition to wanting to get lost in mindless television, these thoughts also apply to my ongoing five dollar no-fap bet.

note: Patriots games don't count as "succumbing to temptation", patriots games are sustenance.

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