Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Parsleyed potatoes with pan fried herbed chicken breast.

Did you know smashing chicken breast flat makes it cook evenly and quicker? I knew about this trick but never applied it until today. So, I learned something useful and practical today.

I noticed that whenever I learn or do something new, it comes with an odd little sense of regret. It's the thought, "Damn it. Where has this knowledge been all my life? Why didn't I do this earlier in my life? Or, I wish I had known this when...".

So now, I want to learn everything I can possibly learn and do everything I possibly can do, right now, so I will have the optimal ratio of useful-knowledge-and-experience-acquired to time-spent-alive.

It's a strange feeling. This drive to learn and experience life. I hope it goes away soon because it is a lot of work.

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