Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Well. Here I am. I feel like I've been treading water for the past two years. Because here I am again, back at home with my parents and still waiting tables.

The Old Man next door isn't doing too well, he walks with a cane now. And while I was moving my stuff in the late afternoon, I saw him check his mailbox about half a dozen times. Sad.

The Korean wife next door is still pushing her little fluffy white dog around in a baby stroller.

It's the little things about a new place that are frustrating. The kitchen cabinets here are so small I can't even fit a bottle of Olive oil in it. The refrigerator is surprisingly smaller than I remembered . The kitchen and bathroom is so far away from my bedroom! and the shower and toilets don't work as well as they used to.

Although I understand that change is an inherent part of life, it is still a great big pain in the ass when it is not desired. I'm in a strange mood right now. Don't know where this life is taking me, hopefully somewhere good, somewhere with poetry painted on the walls. Insha Allah.

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