Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Parsleyed potatoes with pan fried herbed chicken breast.

Did you know smashing chicken breast flat makes it cook evenly and quicker? I knew about this trick but never applied it until today. So, I learned something useful and practical today.

I noticed that whenever I learn or do something new, it comes with an odd little sense of regret. It's the thought, "Damn it. Where has this knowledge been all my life? Why didn't I do this earlier in my life? Or, I wish I had known this when...".

So now, I want to learn everything I can possibly learn and do everything I possibly can do, right now, so I will have the optimal ratio of useful-knowledge-and-experience-acquired to time-spent-alive.

It's a strange feeling. This drive to learn and experience life. I hope it goes away soon because it is a lot of work.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Note to self: THE BOUNCING SOULS! november 18th at Hawaiian Brians. PLUS, youth brigade!


I've forgotten how much it sucks and hurts when your team loses. Feels bad, man.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

steak, pepper, basil, oregano, garlic, carrots, bell peppers, onion, beef stock, corn starch, pasta, green onions.

It tastes ok. A little bland. I was hesitant to add any more salt because that one can of beef broth contained a day's worth of sodium.


Both pictures look exactly the same you say? That's because instead of changing out the refrigerator handle with the new assembly I bought, I ended up just adjusting the old one. It works kind of ok. It works better than before, but could probably work even better. But like I always say: good enough, by definition, is good enough.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Yesterday was a good day.

Spent all day yesterday wrenching on pipes while listening to The Smiths and Tegan & Sara.

Fixed: four water shut off valves, terminal block for GE stove and a kitchen light switch. All this in addition to last week's kitchen faucet, solar water heater panel and main water shut off valve. All this other stuff has been preparation for Next Week, when I'm gonna change the toilets.





Before: After:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Elizabeth Warren

I am not joking when I say I find this woman incredibly sexy.

I would totally tap that, tap it like a frat boy with a keg.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"You cannot get up every day and approach the day, the week, the year based on how you feel. Because your feelings change every second and if you use your emotions as a guide to how to deal with your life, you are going to be all over the place in life." -internet


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The urge to indulge in my parent's 108" screen, home theater system and 500 channels of daydream stimulation is powerful. Must resist.

It's easy to say "no" to a desire when the object of temptation is not constantly in your awareness, when it is not easily acquired or when it is not in your presence. But when that temptation, TV in this example, is sitting just a few feet away from you, offering itself to you every second of every minute it becomes harder and harder to say no. It is difficult to maintain composure and focus under that constant pressure. All it takes is one moment of weakness in a moment of boredom and a lifetime's effort of self-control is lost.

Therefore, it is best to avoid being in the presence of temptation. If you are self aware enough to know what is good for you, then you will either remove the object of desire or remove yourself from the awkward situation of temptation. Do not make the mistake of believing you can live next to temptation yet be untouched by it; that requires powerful wisdom.

But the ability to lead a chaste life depends a lot on the circumstance of freedoms and choice. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't, get away from temptation. Sometimes you want to, sometimes you don't.

In addition to wanting to get lost in mindless television, these thoughts also apply to my ongoing five dollar no-fap bet.

note: Patriots games don't count as "succumbing to temptation", patriots games are sustenance.

Home Improvement




to the tune of "Damn it Feels Good to be a Gangsta":

damn it feels good to be productive

fixing up shit in your home

replace old plumbing in the place that you live
cuz the price of a pro is too restrictive

pipe is dripping, mold is now a serious issue

momma's stubbing her toe on broken tile

go to city mill and get what you gotta do

sweat till see you see her thank you with a smile

damn it feels good to be productive

a real productive ass gangsta does it DIY
Do It Myself or I'd rather die
wrenching shirtless in the hot humidity
take pictures and brag on my blog with no humility
cuz damn it feels good to be productive.

And all I got to say to you wannabe, gonna be,
cock sucking urban professionals
when the faucet line snaps where you gonna find the mainline shutoff?
damn it feels good to be productive.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Well. Here I am. I feel like I've been treading water for the past two years. Because here I am again, back at home with my parents and still waiting tables.

The Old Man next door isn't doing too well, he walks with a cane now. And while I was moving my stuff in the late afternoon, I saw him check his mailbox about half a dozen times. Sad.

The Korean wife next door is still pushing her little fluffy white dog around in a baby stroller.

It's the little things about a new place that are frustrating. The kitchen cabinets here are so small I can't even fit a bottle of Olive oil in it. The refrigerator is surprisingly smaller than I remembered . The kitchen and bathroom is so far away from my bedroom! and the shower and toilets don't work as well as they used to.

Although I understand that change is an inherent part of life, it is still a great big pain in the ass when it is not desired. I'm in a strange mood right now. Don't know where this life is taking me, hopefully somewhere good, somewhere with poetry painted on the walls. Insha Allah.

Monday, September 12, 2011

I love weddings. They are fun. Interesting feelings, thoughts, insights and emotions bubble up whenever I go to a wedding. It's like a roller coaster of deep thoughts. My wandering mind will run the gamut from taking bets as to how long the marriage will last before divorce to being really sincerely happy that a friend has found true love & commitment in this sick, sad, fucked up world; from wondering if I should make another run at the buffet to wishing the people sitting next to me at the dinner table would at least try to make conversation.

Some thoughts and insights about love and marriage:
- It's hard to be cynical at a wedding.
- a marriage ceremony is about the ritual of commitment and the swearing of vows before witnesses, although it is done in a lighthearted and romantic tone, it is fundamentally serious stuff. It's peer pressure and social ritual.
- weddings are more about the friends and family than the bride and groom.
- I used to mock the institution of marriage, like I used to mock religion. But they both serve a good purpose, if used correctly.
- 49% divorce rate in US in 2008 (source: US census). Just saying.
- A guy asking a friend to help move is a pretty heavy debt load. Imagine how much debt and obligation the man takes on when he goes on one knee and asks a woman to be his life partner for the rest of their lives. It's like the woman is doing the man a favor, a huge lifelong favor. The person who pops the question is basically surrendering the high ground, the person popping the question takes on the culpability of having dragged both parties into a not-easy-to-manage lifelong partnership. so it seems to me. The MC's "jokes" about the woman having the upper hand in the marriage relationship reinforces the dynamic.
- who the hell has 600 friends? I couldn't make a short list of 60 people to invite to my wedding if my life depended on it. And most of that 60 would probably decline anyway.
- Life can seem fine and good and easy, or life can seem impossible. It all depends on the support infrastructure you possess: extended family, lover, friend(s), aging parents, siblings, or no one.
- Real life weddings are not like Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn movies.
- and some other deeply personal and revealing thoughts about love and marriage I will not share.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I tried to make a home for myself here. How silly I was. To think I could make a home, a life, by filling shelves with dinner plates, books, tupperware, canned food and photographs.