Monday, March 23, 2020

Covid Lockdown: Day 1

The obvious pandemic, economic collapse, quarantines, Australian fires, floods, continuing global warming, Bernie Sanders robbery, potential second Trump presidency - oh shit, personal failures too, how'd i forget about those!  And still got 9 months to go.  Man, 2020 fucking sucks. 

2020 Most Popular vocabulary words, phrases and Halloween costume ideas: Toilet Paper, social distancing, hand sanitizer, face masks, "Flatten the Curve", quarantine, six feet, N95, COVID-19, "eerily quiet", Clorox wipes, shelter in place, work from home, essential worker, $1,200, $600, murder hornets, Black Lives Matter, sourdough starter, Joe Biden, hair cuts, Karen, second wave,

I went to the store and traffic was light, people were grateful for their food, checkout lines were short, the beaches were uncrowded, much less tourists around.  it's very nice. Maybe... just maybe... Thanos did nothing wrong.

how deep the internet hole have i gone on day 1?
Not very.  just dipping my toes in, got a long ways to go yet.

COVID Goals: play guitar.  study chinese.   meditate. grow a beard.  write poetry, work on my novel, work on my zine, practice my photo editing, paint, body weight fitness, read a book, stay six feet away from everybody. 

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