Tuesday, December 29, 2020

nest egg

9 months ago this would have been worth a large fortune.   

today it's  only worth a small fortune. 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Saturday, December 26, 2020

food recommendations

jamaican:  red hills jerk 
hole in wall mexican: tacos n madre in Conyers. 
bawarchi biryanis for the mughlai chicken (Decatur location)
Chat Panni for the thali. 

Friday, December 25, 2020

yeah, sex is great and all...

ywah, sex is great and all but have you ever enjoyed a xmas buffet of Indian takeout food in the backseat of your rental Nissan in 32 degree weather during a global pandemic in Georgia? 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

contact high

I am getting goddman contact highs every time i use my hotel room bathroom from the weed smoke wafting through the ventilation systems... goddamn.

yall better hope they don't hit you with the 250 smoking fee. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

two types of people

1. those who say or type hello in a 700 hundred person zoom meeting.  

2. those who politely stay on mute like a normal person.  

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Sunday, November 29, 2020

in the ATL

zoom chat box

how turn off?

Matthew's cafeteria:

east coast time suuucks

don't even text me until I've had my morning coffee. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020


on my way to to Georgia...

I think?   can't see shit out of this face shield. 

Friday, November 13, 2020

boring dystopia

best $8.99 I ever spent

bed sheet clips. where you have been my whole life? 

my bed is now a 5 star hotel. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

nov 4th 2020

feeling better now. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

nov 3rd 2020

going to sleep now,  might be the last night I go to sleep with hope about tomorrow. 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

North shore 3-5

kooks to the left of me 🎵
kooks to the right  🎵
here i am
stuck in the middle with kook 🎶
don't know what kooks tryna to do 🎵

Thursday, October 29, 2020

this is why we can't have nice things.

rent assistance program spending thousands of man hours helping landlords get paid.  

Meanwhile, republicans packed scotus 6 to 3, AND got 200 federal judges. 

this is why progressives can't have nice things. running around trying to plug holes in the titanic with our fingers after the republicans drove us straight into the iceberg. 

Monday, October 26, 2020

F money

I'm not greedy.  i don't want or need "fuck you" money.  I'd be very happy and satisfied with just "I don't give a fuck" money.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Friday, May 8, 2020

Friday, May 1, 2020

covid lockdown: day ??

supplies are at critical levels. dare I venture out? what choice do  I have?

Monday, April 20, 2020

Saturday, April 18, 2020

covid lockdown: day 28

 I do what I do and sometimes it turns out okay.

covid lockdown: day 27

a memory
from the before times

Monday, April 13, 2020

covid lockdown: day 23

Ezra Klein
Jane Mcalevey
vegan biscuits
vegan gravy

Thursday, April 9, 2020

covid lockdown: day 19

being a germaphobe is exhausting.  But they're also really right, the world is a dirty infectious tangle of contagious vectors and transmittable disease. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Covid locked down: Day 18

bemused disappointment

we never spoke again

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Covid Lock Down: Day 11

It is EXHAUSTING being a germophobe.  After role-playing as one for the past 11 days, not touching things and cleaning things and hygiene this and hygiene that... I'm over it.  If I die, I die.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Covid lock down: day 10

day 10. frozen stores have been broached.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Covid Lock Down: Day 7

#thanosdidnothingwrong #teamthanos

I went to the beach to utilize n my state-sanctioned public exercise period and the beach park entrance was covered in broken glass, as I picked those pieces up I noticed syringe needle heads all over the entrance too.  I must have picked up a couple dozen.  it wasn't like one or two junkies shot up and left their needle behind, somebody dumped a significant number of needle heads around the park entrance.  possibly medical waste.  The park is supposed to be closed for COVID but people are still hanging out there which makes me wonder if someone *cough* that fucking asshole who lives next to the park *cough* put those there on purpose.   Whoever it was, i can guarantee votes republican.

anyway, #teamthanos!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Covid Lock Down Day 6

Its August 28th.  The orders were announced, we finally leave our homes to return to life and work and start rebuilding society.

Coworker: The quarantine was great!  My partner and I learned Tantric sex and we fell in love with each other all over again in the process, i learned to play the violin, meditated, I learned to speak chinese and french, I cleaned the house, read 25 books, painted a self portrait, wrote a autobiography, reconnected with all my friends and family i've lost touch with using Zoom™ and so much more! what did you do during your quarantine?

Me: I grew a beard.

Coworker: ...

Coworker: so you just didn't shave for 5 months?

Me: yeah. 

Friday, March 27, 2020

Covid Lock down: Day 5

Sun sets on Day 5.
The numbers stalk us
Amorphous concepts denoted by 1 to 10
mathematical concepts
proven truth by human touches
refuse the governor's orders
like toilet paper hoarders
death bringers
we survivors will remember


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Covid Lock down Day 3: the Platform

my netflix mood:
Bird Box
The Platform
Resident Evil

I worked eleven hours straight on the computer today. I ate two handfuls of nuts and a small bowl of cereal.  why can't i be one of those job-less quarantined people?

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Covoid Lock Down: Day 2

Lots of questions being raised on day 2 of this quarantine:

What would happen if i grew out my beard?

When do the balcony concerts start?

Why didn't I buy more toilet paper?!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Covid Lockdown: Day 1

The obvious pandemic, economic collapse, quarantines, Australian fires, floods, continuing global warming, Bernie Sanders robbery, potential second Trump presidency - oh shit, personal failures too, how'd i forget about those!  And still got 9 months to go.  Man, 2020 fucking sucks. 

2020 Most Popular vocabulary words, phrases and Halloween costume ideas: Toilet Paper, social distancing, hand sanitizer, face masks, "Flatten the Curve", quarantine, six feet, N95, COVID-19, "eerily quiet", Clorox wipes, shelter in place, work from home, essential worker, $1,200, $600, murder hornets, Black Lives Matter, sourdough starter, Joe Biden, hair cuts, Karen, second wave,

I went to the store and traffic was light, people were grateful for their food, checkout lines were short, the beaches were uncrowded, much less tourists around.  it's very nice. Maybe... just maybe... Thanos did nothing wrong.

how deep the internet hole have i gone on day 1?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdgzsF_O7oI&app=desktop
Not very.  just dipping my toes in, got a long ways to go yet.

COVID Goals: play guitar.  study chinese.   meditate. grow a beard.  write poetry, work on my novel, work on my zine, practice my photo editing, paint, body weight fitness, read a book, stay six feet away from everybody. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

I am 33 miles from my car spelling boobs. I can not wait.  I've never been as excited for anything in my life.


I've never been so fulfilled 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

male on male compliments

a bro complimented me on my gains at the beach this past weekend.

I consider this year won.

Update, March 23, 2020, Day 2 of the Quarantine:  oh, we were but children of summer. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

what's normal anymore?

is this a reasonable and respectable dinner for a single person? i dont know what's normal anymore.

miso soup with mustard cabbage and watercress stems, two fried  eggs, an orange and a konbu musubi.

Monday, February 24, 2020

imma get in on this meme

if you're not happy single, you wont be happy dating someone.

happiness comes from dabbling in numerous solitary hobbies like surfing, weight lifting, archery, pottery, oil painting, playing guitar, poetry, martial arts, reading, gardening, or cooking... not relationships. 

Friday, February 21, 2020

fight club

I fell down some stairs

dont mess with the wuhan

cant tell if this tailors sign has been up for a long time and is just generally racist, or that the corona virus panic is enabling new racist protectionist trade policy sentiment.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

18 inches

her: is that an 18 inch socket wrench extender in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?

me: it's an 18 inch socket wrench extender.




me: but yes, I'm happy to see you too.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

nine to pho job

vietnamese  pho restaurants have a pretty high barrier of entry for anyone who wants to work at one. you have to be lucky enough to be born into the extended family that owns and runs it. itd be easier to end up as the CEO of a fortune 500 family than break into a pho restaurant dynasty.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

good news and bad news

The bad news: things have gotten so bad that Rage Against The Machine is coming out of retirement.

The good news: Rage Against The Machine is coming out of retirement.  

Sunday, February 9, 2020

no mistakes just happy little accidents

bob ross, that guy, tells me halfway through the 30 minute video i'm supposed to use a thick firm dry paint for this painting, after i had thinned it down already.  I was kinda upset at him, but then... turns out he was right, we don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents, because I really like how the too-wet paint turned out in these mountains.

she whispered to herself

sipping her tea,
the roomba circling the dark, hollow apartment.
"I'll be okay",
she whispered to herself.

drunk slave

Drunk me is best me.  I wake up and marvel at what blacked out drunk-me did the night before.   Laundry is done and folded and put away.  dishes are cleaned.  garbage is taken out.  Week's worth of food is cooked and waiting in the fridge. new oil painting is completed.  Bills are paid and ready to be mailed out. car is washed and clean (that was a nice one).

i love waking up and seeing what drunk-me has done for me-me.

Its like having a slave.  I provide food and shelter and alcohol and my drunk-slave just does things for me.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

ahhh, the sweet sound of girls screaming to sing me to sleep.

Monday, February 3, 2020

thats too much man


Friday, January 31, 2020

your papa was a pixel wrangler too?

her: so what do you do for a living?

me: I move dots of light around on my flat piece of melted sand. 

box S

why do I feel so fulfilled and safe when I look at my stash of extra cardboard boxes?!

zero gains game

one squat rack, me, and ten new years resolutioners.... much like middle east geopolitics, going to the gym after new years has become a zero sum game. 

Monday, January 27, 2020

shelby iowa

I've been looking for love in the wrong place all this time, apparently my spiritual single is waiting for me in Shelby, Iowa.

Iowa...maybe being alone isn't so bad.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


does anyone else continue to discover new features on their smart phone by accidentally touching it in a different way?