Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pet Peeve #26b

When I am working in the parking lot, there is nothing more I hate then when a customer pulls their car into the lot and decides to do a u-turn to reverse into the stall instead of just pulling in head first. More often than not, it takes them ten times longer longer to get into the stall. They'll go forward, then reverse, then forward, then open the car door to check if they are within the lines (they usually aren't), then a couple of more gear shifts before they consider themselves parked. and the kicker is after all that maneuvering, they STILL aren't parked evenly within the lines. They'll be too close to one side or crooked, which causes a domino effect of all the cars coming in aftewards to park their car too far over and by the end of the day, you end up losing an entire parking space because the asshat just HAD to reverse into the stall. And since the cars are double parked in two rows, the second row of cars will be misaligned; causing all kinds of problems when moving the cars around.

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