Sunday, May 8, 2016

airport university

Philosophy 101: everything about life can be learned in airport waiting areas. 

M.B.A.: earn your Harvard business management degree in any airport bookstore.

Communications 203: Right after he sits down in the aisle seat he  chats up the cute girl in the window seat, eventually asks her what she does,  he is clearly taken back by her answer that she is in high school.  he suggest she is  17 y/o, she corrects him by saying she is 16, he is taken further aback and then totally lies and says he's 19 (he is not), buys her rum and coke, he talks at her for 95% of the 45 min fight. selfie pic with her about halfway through.  Plot twist: he was suppose to sit in empty seat next to me but sat next to the pretty girl when he saw the opportunity due to the somewhat empty plane . thanks hot Latina teen for taking the bullet! her laughs sounds like a too-polite and slightly nervous teenage girl.   Final Exam Essay: Gregarious outgoing Type A individual or P.U.A.?  Or child sex trafficker if you want to go to a darker place. 

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