Sunday, November 29, 2015

I'm Done

Gronk is done. 
Patriots are done. 
I am done.  
I am no longer a football fan.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

what is the point? bad things happen to good people. you work so hard and the universe happens and everything you build just starts to decompose. Why even get up in the morning? You're going to be disappointed in the end, when everything dies. everything dies. 
            everyone dies.
            love, sex, family, friends, social justice, money, power, legacy. What's the point?  

Thank you football gods for this epiphany, this life lesson a lifetime of poverty, death, heartbreak or suffering couldn't deliver as sharply as that helmet to Gronk's knee did. 

life is futile. 

life is meaningless.  you cannot create meaning from something inherently meaningless.  there is no god.  love is a trap. Desire is pain. attachment is suffering.  The cancer will always return. 

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