Saturday, November 21, 2015

De quay

Dinner tonight is a table for one (as usual) next to four drunk old gentlemen slurring their words, and a "couple" on a date  composed of a guy, and an attractive woman who is engaged, but seemingly not to him. 

Eavesdroping on this chick, I've concluded I don't like her.  If i was cynical, I would say this guy is a friend-zoned friend who is in stoically in love with her, or he is stoically putting up with her stupid face after getting stuck with a platonic dinner date with her.  

Update: Having eavesdropped some more, i think they actually may be engaged to each other.  If this is the case, I believe, in my opinion, either this guy is a quiet stoic guy who doesn't wear the pants in the relationship, or he is making a huge mistake (and he knows it). 

Apparently this pretty good restaurant is owned by Jim Morrisey.  The manager looks just like him.  He treated me to a glass of Madeira at the end of the dinner for some random reason, maybe he took pity on the weird lonely single chinese guy.  Free sympathy Madeira isn't something I have the pride to turn down.

good food.  would recommend. 

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