Monday, July 6, 2015

Food and money

I'm not complaining, just noting, that our tour guide has been on the bus microphone talking about our tour groups dinner options tonight for the past thirty minutes; once in mandarin, once again in Cantonese.  She has gone on in great length and detail about what is free and included in the tour and what dishes are optional and require extra payment.

Why don't they just print this out on a piece of paper and give us as copy.  There must be a reason...because she wants to earn her tips? Because she really loves the sound of her own voice?  She really needs to just print this logistical stuff on paper and spend more time talking about the history, fun facts and importance of the stuff we are looking at.

According to her, paying the extra $15 for the lobster dinner option tonight is a good idea...

Update: our tour guide lies. The lobster was not worth fifteen bucks.

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