Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Another day at the office

Lahaina maui

"We live in a vacation"

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lazy man pho

Instant noodles with leftover basil and sprouts from actual pho take out, plus random roast chicken. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Old Time Me

the secret to good photos is sepia tones.  Observe:

Zig ziglar

"Many people spend more time in planning the wedding than they do in planning the marriage."
Stumbled on this. Thought it was relevant.  I've been directly involved in two and tangentially related to two weddings in the past three weeks. so that makes me an expert on these kinds of matters. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Plastic bag ban

My progressive side is proud, supportive and understanding of Hawaii being the first state to ban plastic bags.

But, my lazy side is just pissed at the inconvenience.

Give me convenience or give me death.

My random side wonders at the cultural change we are going to see in hawaii where reusable bags become a very visible and daily part of our life

Sunday, July 12, 2015


Twenty hours of travel and almost home

If I had to sum up my trip in one photo, it would be this one: 

July 12: Wyclef Jean

Wyclef jean.  Pan am games. Harbor front, dinner and drinks with cousin.

Wyclef Jean is quite the showman.  Didn't know that about him.  Kind of bossy though, always telling the crowd to waves our hands in the air, like we don't care, even though we do care and don't want to. 

Sleepless night in the dorm. And I thought I was that guy.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

July 11: happy birthday 7-11 and rooftop drinking

I may be "that" guy on the dorm. But I mean well!

canada is one fo those countries with stupid alcohol laws.  Have to go to special stores for booze.  very inconvenient. 

I look really fat in all my pictures...

rooftop drinking with hostel folks.  good people. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

July ten: 8:34pm

So tired. I am so tired I want to punch myself.
I have never been so tired. 

It's taken three years

Since I've been to India, and i finally found mughlai chicken at a Indian restaurant.
not as good as india though.  but good. 

July 10, 4:42pm: graffiti alley

Queen street, king street, Kensington market, some random parks, graffiti alley, soma chocolate,  I do love downtown areas. They are so vibrant and full of cool stuff.  The suburbs of Toronto depress me.

Seven lives tacos and mariscos

Super popular place for good size five dollar tacos. Home of the gobernator. Totally worth the thirty minute wait in line.

July Friday: Moon beam coffee

Best coffee since central America, maybe because I got the Antigua Guatemalan beans, or maybe cuz the beans are fresh roasted daily and a one armed girl ground and French pressed for me right here

this isn't camera angle or dainty hands, this barista has only one hand.  

pure honest poetry. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Ramen Isshin

first meal by myself in toronto. 

guess which of these beds are the girls' and which are the guys'. 

Tom Brady wife sighting

July 9: 1:24pm: Costco...again

At Costco again. What can I possibly say?

I'm just going to stand here and think about life.

Really don't think I got two contiguous hours of sleep this entire trip.

the only way to get through my life right now.

proof i'm in canada. 

Costco hot dogs and poutine for dinner.  such is life. 

July 8: 10:23am: congee queen/ courtyard Marriott.

What is home?

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Day three: 9:17 another random Chinese restaurant

Old age and sickness sucks. Buddha was right.

Day three: 1,000 island, 4:47pm

I wonder how many married couples and families is just settling.

"Part of yoooouuur world": the islands and multi-million $ little fiefdoms is pretty cool. I wish I could be one of them.

Fucking savages

Savages, I tell you. It's an all you can eat Chinese buffet, there is literally all the food you can eat. Chill out.
This old grandfather patriarch I'm sitting next to on the tour bus is pretty cool, I would spare him from my eugenics program. He's like soooo sick of his family's crassness, even though he's probably the one they learned it from.  He kind of looks and acts like a wise farmer.  Which is not to say he can't be crass and loud, but he saves it only for rare and special occasions that call for it.

Day three: Quebec: 6:56am

Finally a quiet moment to myself. Quebecian espresso and croissant.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Caribou "alcoholic beverage"

Okay. Thanks to this 23% "Canadian alcoholic beverage", I have once again circled out of loathing and back into the a happy place of surrealism. it tastes a little like cough syrup and...well no, it just tastes like cough syrup.  but hey, stronger than wine! 

I know I need a little more grace and humility and gratuity. 


Need to rethink my concept of traveling.  Don't get fulfilled by walking around old fashioned historical districts full of trapped tourists.  Don't get fulfilled by going to tall buildings and paying lots of money to look down at roof tops.'

What fulfills me , I think, is eating and activity likes hiking or surfing. But the ironic paradox is that you can't climb mountains and surf epic waves and still eat at fancy/tasty restaurants...unless you live in Hawaii.
Driving down lonely desert highways is nice.

Mongolia. Dreams of Mongolia.... Mongolia dreams.

Omg, look at what they are forcing me to eat


international food destinations and i'm eating at CAD$10 chinese buffets. I hate guided tours so much... FML. 

Day two: Quebec city dinner

This food is so bad I want to punch somebody.  The food on this whole tour is so bad I want to punch a bunch of people.

Day two: Montreal: 11:05 high places and bio dome

Fulfilled human need to find the high ground, another exciting view of a cityscape.

Bio Dome was super cool with angry shy lynx, baby sloth, capybara, beaver, otter, aquarium and a cacophonous gaggle of Chinese tourists and French grade school kids on field trips.

Plot twist: we were the bad guys all along.  We are those people deserving my scorn and hate (Except for that one family with the kids I want to eugenicize. They are the master villains, we're more like the innept evil minions compared to those wastes  of space)


Really sucks to be a woman

in tour group, at stops at tourist sites for pictures, if you are lucky you get 20 minutes at one tourist stop, with 50 people on the bus for two hours or more, the women only get to see the back of other women and dirty bathroom stalls.

Day two: 7:28am

Great thing about Chinese tourists is they are all skinny. Good thing for long bus rides.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Elisa goldsmith

that 28 pound bar of gold, at current market price of  US$1,153 per ounce, was worth over half a million US dollars. 

Canadian war museum

This was pretty interesting.