Sunday, April 15, 2012

Why this ad?

There was an ad in my gmail acccount:

"U by Kotex® at Sam's Club - - Bigger Pack, Better Value. Get A Free U by Kotex® Sample Online Now!"

I have never been as disturbed by a targeted online ad as I have been by this one, so I clicked on the google link "
Why this ad?" for an explanation. Google says "This ad is based on emails from your mailbox. Visit Google’s Ads Preferences Manager to learn more, block specific advertisers, or opt out of personalized ads."

I've been analyzing my emails to figure out what keyword or combination of words could have possibly triggered this ad placement. I can't figure it out and I am very perplexed.

I thought this was all a dumb mistake and bad algorithm writing, but then I realized (too late) that those clever bastards at Kotex actually got me to Google their product and visit their website. If page hits and click-throughs are how they measure success then they definitely succeeded with me. But if actual sales and revenue is what they want, well...better luck next time Kotex. (I admit that I was a little impressed by the fancy site and the sharp new packaging).

Update: I don't take this kind of thing lightly. Targeted media advertising is a sin in my eyes. The invasion of privacy and the collection of personal data on individuals is a very slippery slope into a surveillance authoritarian society. It's the salami effect, they take little slices until the whole thing is gone. They take a little bit of your rights away at a time or they get you to surrender to little invasions of privacy. The cumulative effect of this won't be noticed until it's too late. It's already happening; look at SOPA, CISPA, the UK's unbelievably Orwellian surveillance society, Carnivore, etc...

I made this addendum because I just got a gmail ad for Coconut Oil. This terrifies me because my mother has been talking about the health benefits of coconut oil recently (is this a new trend?). However, I am positive there are no clues to her discussion about it in any of my online information. HOW DID THEY KNOW?!

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