Saturday, April 23, 2011

I asked myself, "Don't you have anything better to do right now than to sit on a mountain and watch the sun set over a warm Hawaiian Saturday afternoon?" The answer was: No. No, I don't.

For the first time ever, I went to that cluster of shops and stores at the end of the street for a smoothie . I saw lots of young, physically fit people gathered at the smoothie place and the coffee shop next door. The people coming and going were wearing sweat stained yoga pants, running shoes and shorts, and had their bicycles propped up against the wall next to them as they enjoyed their eight dollar Acai & granola bowls. They were all relatively young and good looking upper middle class types engrossed in their topical conversations. I asked myself, "Do I want to identify with this lifestyle group?" The answer was: No. No, I don't. So, I hopped back onto my rusty stolen bike and rode home smoothie-less.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

charismatic spontaneity, city lights, ball tingling madness, engineering school, hawaii is not too small you jerk, pretzel breath, love triangles and dancing by the yellow light of a public park bathroom.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Reprise of a Reprise

New Rule: Forget the gun in a locked room with evil dictators situation. It is now your moral obligation to kill any property manager you see at any time, at any place. It's open season on property managers, whenever you find one, you are morally obligated to kill him/her. Bonus points if you do it as painfully as possible. Go!

Monday, April 4, 2011

RepriseJune 29th 2010 : An Ethical Dilemna

What do you do, now, if you were locked in a room with Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Charles Manson, George W. Bush, a property manager and you had a gun with 100 bullets in it?

What is the right thing for you to do if Jesus himself came down in the second coming of christ and politely asked that you shoot the evil mass-murdering dictators, if 72% of the american voting public voted in favor of you shooting the evil mass murdering dictators and if the United Nations Security Council arrived at a unanimous declaration in favor of you shooting the evil mass murdering dictators. What do you do?

The only answer, the only morally, ethically, righteously acceptable thing for you to do would be to shoot the property manager 100 times.

And then bludgeon the corpse with the gun until it breaks into tiny pieces in your hand.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Me 1 : Bums 0

tl;dr My bag got stolen by a bum. I found him. I got it back.