Friday, February 11, 2011

Apparently, I was on the local TV news on Sunday evening. I was approached by a female reporter while I was working the lunch shift that day and was asked some questions about the estate owner's plan to renovate the building my restaurant was in.

After her casual in-person questions , she very casually asked me if I could say all those things I just said to her on camera. I very casually said yes. And that folks, is how it's done.

So, we stood in the packed parking lot and did our little interview. This was my first television interview but I wasn't nervous. Between the contempt I have for the institution of local news and the annoyance I felt at being interrupted during a really busy lunch hour, I was not impressed by the experience. But I will say that the interviewer had really pretty brown eyes and a reassuring smile, which helped a lot.

The whole thing was over in less than 5 minutes. I played "the game" a little when she threw me a bit of a unexpected curve ball asking me what I thought about the landlords (considering how potentially disruptive and costly the construction project could be for our business). As much as I hate property managers, landowners and the ruling class, I wasn't going to bad mouth my landlord on the record, to a reporter, on camera. And that folks, is how you sell out/perpetuate the institutions of social repression.

After we finished, I was glad to go inside and get back to serving customers. It was really busy. I didn't think much more it. I honestly didn't expect that interview to make it on air. I figured they were looking for filler in case of a slow news day. But over the next few days, quite a few customers told me they saw me on the news. Although the thought came to me every time, I did not ask any of them if I did okay on the interview. I don't want to know because I hate watching myself on video. And the possibility that I looked stupid on TV makes me panicky. So I am going to assume I did an intelligent, articulate, awesome interview and looked sexy as hell while doing it.

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