Thursday, November 4, 2010


Goddamn it. I'm going back to Central America. Fucking evangelical in-bred fucktards eagerly bending over and lubing themselves up for another round of penetration by the corporatocracy. Knuckle-dragging neanderfucks happily guzzling the trickled-down ejaculate of rich, old, white bastards and saying "thank you" aftwards. Cockgobbling herp-derpers taking big bites of the giant republican shit sandwhich while verbally abusing the waiter and complimenting the chef. Ignorant camel cunts on their bruised knees deepthroating Bush's big cock, choking on his hot jism while gagging through their noses and fighting back the tears. Idiotic cuntscabs holding the pocket of the Illuminati like a right bitch. God-dicking sons of rats shitting in our milk. Niggerfaggots offering their virgin daugters to be torn apart for sport by their corporate slave masters. Hypocritical closeted cock sucking child molesters declaring their love of god, freedom and country while their dicks are six inches up a choir-boy's love hole. Dick-less daughter-fuckers contentedly blind after the military-industrial-financial complex jizzed right in their eyes. Twat waffles too busy spooning with O'Reilly in Palin's cold rancid maggot-infested meat hole to notice the stench of their stupidity. Motherfucking youth too fucking busy fapping to interracial-pregnant-bestiality-transgendered midget porn while facebooking to fucking vote. Semen gargling fucknuts screeching their infantile rhetoric. Dick-juggling dumb-as-cockroaches douchebags voting against their own pox-ridden interests. Self-deluded self-proclaimed patriots cluster fucking at the altar of Beck. Mob of politically-illiterate swine circle-jerking on the bloody corpse of Lady Liberty. Fucking disingenuous savages curbstomping Lady Justice's face to a pulp and saying "you're welcome". Sorry excuses for failed abortions going around and pooping on everyone's party. God damn it.

Goddamn it I say.

1 comment:

  1. i love the imagery ivan...but what about your ego?...your personality...if you call your self a buhddist then you should know that all of this "I" business is illusory...that means that your thoughts,personality,habits etc is all a lie...all conditioning and can get upset at these idiots all you want but in the end who and what is getting upset and at what exactly?...ego...
    to me this is the most upsetting thing..
