Friday, September 3, 2010

What do you think?

I got a haircut today, do you like it?

The woman who cut my hair was hot, she was old but attractive in that aging-but-still-hot-only-because-she-tries-hard kind of way. She was wearing dark brown tights and a matching braissere-like top that showed off her fine bosom. As I sat there and watched her mirror reflection cut my hair, I thought about her life. She owns a small, one seat beauty salon in front of a busy road, does everything from manicures to facials to haircuts. She eats fruit (as lunch?) purchased from the chain convenience store on the corner. I didn't see a wedding ring so she is probably single . Is she happy with her life? I don't know. To me, she looked sad. I liked her, partly because she asked me lots of questions about how I wanted my hair done in broken spanglish; it shows she cares about doing a good job and ensuring her client is happy. She looked like she might have been a stripper at one time. Or, maybe she hooks on the side to make rent when business is slow (since prostitution is legal here). She made me think of this line from a Bukowski poem: boys can keep your virgins
give me hot old women in high heels
with asses that forgot to get old...

She charged a mere 2,000 colones. I tipped her 1,000. The other salon I asked charged 4,000. The total cost of this haircut ($6) was almost as much as the amount I tip my hairstylist in Hawaii. So it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Ivan - this makes you look more Chinese then I thought possible!
