Sunday, September 19, 2010


Protip: Do NOT travel on Sundays

I learned this early on in my backpacking trip, but for some goddamn reason, it seems circumstances always force me to travel on Sunday, and it seems like everytime I arrive in a new city, it is storming rain.

On sundays, nothing is open. Banks, internet cafes (except this one i'm at), restaurants and bus lines either don't run or run on limited schedules. So I am stuck in Puerto Jimenez for a day or two now. I am annoyed but the diazepam I took is kicking in so I feel a little better now.

I'm just glad I got away from Noe's farm.

So tomorrow afternoon, i will head to Ron Engel's farm in a small town called Dos Brazos. I don't know what the internet situation is like there, so maybe no updates.


    john showed me this..he's trying to figure out the meaning of this doulbe rainbow..can you?
    burning man was fucking SUPER fun.

  2. p.s-that guy is tripping balls
