Wednesday, September 22, 2010

No updates for a while


Because getting to the internet and supermarket requires a 45 minute hike down a mountain, fording a river, and a three dollar 45 minute twice daily shuttle ride on a gravel road of potholes. That is why. And that´s just one way.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Protip: Do NOT travel on Sundays

I learned this early on in my backpacking trip, but for some goddamn reason, it seems circumstances always force me to travel on Sunday, and it seems like everytime I arrive in a new city, it is storming rain.

On sundays, nothing is open. Banks, internet cafes (except this one i'm at), restaurants and bus lines either don't run or run on limited schedules. So I am stuck in Puerto Jimenez for a day or two now. I am annoyed but the diazepam I took is kicking in so I feel a little better now.

I'm just glad I got away from Noe's farm.

So tomorrow afternoon, i will head to Ron Engel's farm in a small town called Dos Brazos. I don't know what the internet situation is like there, so maybe no updates.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Supposing that I should have the courage
To let a red sword of virtue
Plunge into my heart,
Letting to the weeds of the ground
My sinful blood,
What can you offer me?
A gardened castle?
A flowery kingdom?
What? A hope?
Then hence with your red sword of virtue.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A youth in apparel that glittered
Went to walk in a grim forest.
There he met an assassin
Attired all in garb of old days;
He, scowling through the thickets,
And dagger poised quivering,
Rushed upon the youth.
"Sir," said this latter,
"I am enchanted, believe me,
To die, thus,
In this medieval fashion,
According to the best legends;
Ah, what joy!"
Then took he the wound, smiling,
And died, content.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Love walked alone.
The rocks cut her tender feet,
And the brambles tore her fair limbs.
There came a companion to her,
But, alas, he was no help,
For his name was heart's pain.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What a long strange trip it's been

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Gonna go farming tomorrow.


Krav Maga

You want to watch me Krav Maga?

The last clip in the video is of my class and of me training. Starts at 6:30.

Friday, September 3, 2010

What do you think?

I got a haircut today, do you like it?

The woman who cut my hair was hot, she was old but attractive in that aging-but-still-hot-only-because-she-tries-hard kind of way. She was wearing dark brown tights and a matching braissere-like top that showed off her fine bosom. As I sat there and watched her mirror reflection cut my hair, I thought about her life. She owns a small, one seat beauty salon in front of a busy road, does everything from manicures to facials to haircuts. She eats fruit (as lunch?) purchased from the chain convenience store on the corner. I didn't see a wedding ring so she is probably single . Is she happy with her life? I don't know. To me, she looked sad. I liked her, partly because she asked me lots of questions about how I wanted my hair done in broken spanglish; it shows she cares about doing a good job and ensuring her client is happy. She looked like she might have been a stripper at one time. Or, maybe she hooks on the side to make rent when business is slow (since prostitution is legal here). She made me think of this line from a Bukowski poem: boys can keep your virgins
give me hot old women in high heels
with asses that forgot to get old...

She charged a mere 2,000 colones. I tipped her 1,000. The other salon I asked charged 4,000. The total cost of this haircut ($6) was almost as much as the amount I tip my hairstylist in Hawaii. So it goes.