Wednesday, October 19, 2022

spreadsheets, my old friend

 i got demoted? promoted? side-moted? 

they pulled me off the turf and into admin to be a desk jockey.  I dont know how to feel about it... bittersweet is probably best way to describe it. 

I'm a good soldier and will do what needs to be done to incrementally move this war to the left... but the fight is happening on the doors. 

lots of war analogies on my mind. and coincidentally my tinnitus had gotten much worse lately, very apt.

another analogy. a football super star who dominate in the first half of a season helping his team win, then gets injured and is out for the season but the team goes on to win the superbowl.  he's standing on the sidelines helping and cheering his team, but he's not on the field and his team wins and he gets a ring (as do ball boys) cuz he contributed and played earlier on the season... but that ring don't feel earned.  

but If his team goes all the way to superbowl and then loses, that's a different story. 

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