Saturday, October 7, 2017

japan pro tips 2

get a smart phone and local high speed data plan. t mobile's free low speed data is nice backup, but not great for heavy use. maybe a backup battery pack if you use a lot of gps or Wi-Fi.

tokyo, from what I hear, is straight eating and shopping and all the great weird japanese metropolis stuff.  Kyoto and Osaka in Kansai region has more traditional sightseeing stuff with more than enough modernity and shopping. 

the chinese tourist hordes have found japan, avoid wherever they go. although they are relatively well behaved for Chinese tourists, their sheer numbers ruin the vibe of peaceful japanese temples.

some japanese cities are tourist friendly, many are not.  Kyoto and Osaka is often surprisingly obstinate in their refusal to cater to the large number of tourists by acknowledging English as lingua franca. travel would be really really hard for those with no japanese or Chinese language skills in areas that are less tourist friendly.

be careful you don't nickel and dime yourself to death with all the seemingly cheap or reasonable prices.

train travel costs can add up.  

bring a carabiner or similar hook device for reasons.

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