Thursday, October 20, 2016

November 9, 2016

New York City, Wednesday, 6:17am

He sat slumped in a leather chair, gazing out the floor to ceiling windows as the New York City skyline began to materialize out of the pre-dawn gloom.  He couldn't sleep, he could only think about last night.  The climax after thirteen months of campaigning, a lifetime of work that peaked last night in his landslide defeat.  The campaign was finally over and he wasn't going to be the President of the United States.  His tired eyes stared.  Outside, the sun began to reveal itself as soft glow behind the grey clouds, the murky orange dawn light reflected off his sickly orange face. His tired eyes stared.

Thirteen months of humiliation, of saying and doing whatever it took, all the bridges I had to burn on the way, the friends I pushed away, the good people whose company I will never have the pleasure of enjoying again.  I lost so much.  My reputation, my wife's love, my children's respect, my fortune.... my family name.... my life.... my dignity.  I lost everything.  I lost everything that is important to a man.   

His thoughts wandered again through the years.  He tried to piece together how his actions and decisions led to this moment, what he is now, who he is now: exhausted and alone in a Manhattan penthouse above Grand Central Park.  Too tired to sit anymore, The Donald slowly stood.  He clasped his hands behind his back and squinted as the rays of the new day's sun broke through.

I helped history's most hated Democratic candidate get into the White House.  I got in the way of sixteen other Republican candidates who would have defeated her.  I forced this country into electing its first female president.  I destroyed the Republican party.  I secured a liberal Supreme Court for generations to come... I can't believe it.  I did it...I kept my promise... I... Made America Great Again™.

Nov 10, 2016 update: That ended differently than expected.

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