Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy new year 2016

Do I walk 35 minutes to watch the fireworks show late tonight? the answer is the winner between the beautiful ephemerality of fireworks, versus the apathy of lethargy.

its so quiet tonight.  this silence is the sound of cultural emasculation by bureaucrats. i remember when i was young: gun smoke so thick you couldn't see more than 50 feet in front of you.  The neighborhoods like a war zone.  illegal aerials flowered the night sky and shook windows.  The morning aftermath of red paper shell casings clogging gutters.

Is concern for some peoples asthma flaring up for one night our of the year worth this emasculation of a great and proud cultural tradition?  Is the thought of firefighters having less work to do one night out of the year comforting?  Is preventing house fire Darwinism a net gain?

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