Thursday, February 27, 2014

what a a week!

After my first flight got cancelled, i ended up having to cancel my first ticket and book a new one with Hawaiian instead.  The good thing was there was a ticket, the other good thing was that it was first class, so i was forced to splurge and fly first class to get to my work conference on time.  First class is pretty awesome, even for a short trip on a small plane.  We had Guava juice mimosa's served to us right after we boarded.  Guava juice mimosas.  I had a feeling this was going to be a good trip from that point on.

This is a meal on first class on Hawaiian:

This is leg space on first class on Hawaiian.  The arm rests were so far apart, i couldn't even comfortably put my arms on them:

Sat next to a lady whose mother was going schizophrenic, kind of a heavy conversation for single serving friend, but my prayers go out to her.

Then SF.  Hostel.  Drinks.  Hostel. Airport.  Carpool. Monterrey, CA. Got into SF, nice little homecoming to the Adelaide Hostel I stayed in all those years ago.  It was pretty much the same. San Francisco was even awesomer than i remembered.  Had a quick drink with James that turned into three or four drinks until closing.  then woke up to go the conference.

 The work retreat gave me about an hour to explore the area.  I came up with this:

Feet in sand is becoming a thing.

Then... Airplane to Phoenix, then stayed the night at a hostel called Camelbackpackers.  It was a pretty nice place.

Then i Drove from Phoenix.  I17 North, took the scenic route through Sedona via 179, then 89A. The drive was okay. Not great, not bad.  Then back on I17, then on to 40 and 64 up to Grand Canyon.  At this very moment in time, i am staying in a roadside trading post that is surprisingly nice.  I paid $69 for a giant room with two queen beds and amenities.   This room is so sweet I am beginning to doubt the modus operandi of hostels and backpacking... But then again... i could spend three nights in the place up above, for the cost of one night here... plus the hostel has free food and cool people and guitars and music and free coffee and no, backpacking is still awesome. 

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