Monday, June 17, 2013

I love my mug

I have great affection for my mugs.  I am probably too attached to my mugs.  My work mug was kidnapped and held hostage for ransom today.  it was a terrifying experience.  There's a zen story and it goes like this:

A powerful general of a Chinese kingdom at war led thousands of troops into battle. Not one to command from the back, this general would fearlessly lead his men into battle and destruction and threat of death.  He was very good at what he did and won more battles than he lost.

During moments of peace, when not at war, he would enjoy a quiet and contemplative life at his countryside estate.  One of his favorite past times was enjoying a meditative tea ceremony, serving and drinking tea from one of his many beloved sets in his china collection. 

One day, the general accidentally knocked one of his most prized tea cups off the table by accident.  Just before it would have hit the ground and shattered he managed to catch it and save it.  But for that moment when the cup was falling, he felt more fear and terror and anxiety than he ever did while leading his men into battle.

This, he realized, did not make any sense.  Why would he care so much about an inanimate object, a tool, when he has led men to death and, indeed, killed men in face to face combat?   Realizing that such irrational fear was in control, he looked one last time at his precious tea cup, tossed it over his shoulder and walked away.

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