Thursday, June 27, 2013

Aaron Hernandez

I don't believe this is happening. Why would anybody do such a horrible thing to such a wonderful person?  What did he ever do to anybody?!  Why would some evil bastard, with the help of complicit crooked cops frame poor Aaron Hernandez???  Somebody in the Massachusetts Police department must have a vendetta against Bill Belichick, Tom Brady and the Patriots.  Somebody must have put a lot of money in a long bet against the patriots this season and is now conniving to sabotage their season.  But I'm not too worried.  With Brady under center, anything is possible.  Poor Hernandez, why is he being framed?  Who is framing him?!  I just don't understand why this is happening!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Heat vs Spurs

I am so confused.  It's been six exciting games into this year's NBA Finals and I still haven't figured out which team I want more to lose.  Should I pick the spurs, a dirty, flopping, boring, gang of pussies who robbed my Steve Nash and his suns of a NBA championship back in 2007?  Or the Heat with everyone's favorite target of hate, myself included, Lebron James?  There's just something in his stupid face that makes me hope he maxes out at one championship.

Can both teams lose? What happens if at the end of quadruple overtime, the game is still tied?

God, I hope a giant meteor will fall out of the sky and smoosh both teams.  That would be the ideal. 

This is so frustrating! I want them both to fail, but one will win! 

Monday, June 17, 2013

I love my mug

I have great affection for my mugs.  I am probably too attached to my mugs.  My work mug was kidnapped and held hostage for ransom today.  it was a terrifying experience.  There's a zen story and it goes like this:

A powerful general of a Chinese kingdom at war led thousands of troops into battle. Not one to command from the back, this general would fearlessly lead his men into battle and destruction and threat of death.  He was very good at what he did and won more battles than he lost.

During moments of peace, when not at war, he would enjoy a quiet and contemplative life at his countryside estate.  One of his favorite past times was enjoying a meditative tea ceremony, serving and drinking tea from one of his many beloved sets in his china collection. 

One day, the general accidentally knocked one of his most prized tea cups off the table by accident.  Just before it would have hit the ground and shattered he managed to catch it and save it.  But for that moment when the cup was falling, he felt more fear and terror and anxiety than he ever did while leading his men into battle.

This, he realized, did not make any sense.  Why would he care so much about an inanimate object, a tool, when he has led men to death and, indeed, killed men in face to face combat?   Realizing that such irrational fear was in control, he looked one last time at his precious tea cup, tossed it over his shoulder and walked away.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Went to a baby shower today.  it was extravagant.  Decorations and food and lots of people and games and prizes, even a conscripted valet.  You know that feeling when you arrive at a social event you were invited to, and then you realize that in your mind you were just expecting a few people or something casual when in fact what you have just arrived at is a proper full on "party" and you weren't really mentally prepared for it cuz you were drinking all weekend and was still kind of hungover and not really in any state to be amusing and social and the present you brought was badly wrapped with brown paper when everybody else had something properly wrapped in pretty wrapping paper?  Then I spoke to a pretty stewardess who convinced me to quit my job and become a flight attendant.  So I might do that.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Now, it's been well over a year.

Never mind Marathon.  Don't have the time or energy for that. Nor do I want to wreck my body just to acquire a check mark on my bucket list.