Saturday, April 6, 2013

I'll be moving into my own little studio annex very soon.  I am excited, not because I'll be moving out of my parents basement but because I've budgeted about 400 bucks for myself to furnish the place.  I'm thinking throw pillows up the wazoo, (tasteful) fuzzy rugs and book shelves full of books.  It's going to be an awesome little bachelor nook I'm creating for myself, yes I am.  I imagine most of my shopping will be done at Ross Stores.  I will have to decipher my way through their disparate styles and endless items that seem so vital and necessary that you buy right away.  No other store can trigger impulse purchases in me, and in most other people I suspect, the way Ross does.  And I don't even think Ross is trying particularly hard to encourage this kind of whimsical consumerism.  it's just inherent to any trip to a Ross.  I'm thinking of a home theater set up too...

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