Sunday, April 28, 2013

Things I learned this week

I learned that buying a new mattress is a great big pain in the ass.

I learned that the mattress industry is quite probably, the most insincere and deceptive and unnecessarily difficult scam in the entire consumer world.   The things I could tell you about mattress buying. I demand the right mattress to spend one third of my life on,  but my mattress search makes me want to sleep on a futon.  It'd be easier to sleep on a futon for the rest of my life than deal with mattress buying .

I also learned that hot plates really suck.  even the cast iron, professional hot plates.  and they blow your fuses if you use them in conjunction with an electric kettle, a computer and a couple of light bulbs, and a running refrigerator.  lesson learned.

There isn't enough time in a day...when you have to wait 30 minues for water to boil.

there isn't enough time in the day...when you spend an entire afternoon trying out mattresses and end up being less certain, more confused and more depressed about which mattress is the right mattress for you. It's an important life decision!  I have to get this right! The pressure!   

Friday, April 26, 2013

I got the keys to my new studio annex on Saturday April 20th.

There is nothing quite like the smell of warm stale air in a new rental.  When you turn the key and walk past the doorway into your new unit and you catch that smell of afternoon heat, and the lingering scent of the previous tenants laundry detergent.  That's when you know you are about to begin a new life, or at least begin a new chapter in your same boring old life. 

walk around the new palce for a little bit imagining the life you're going to build for yourself.  Where the book shelves will go, which way to orientate the bed, things you'll need to buy.

In my head, for the past week, i've been overwhelmed by the millions of little things I needed to do and buy in order to make this studio liveable.  So many things.  For the first couple of days I was frozen with indecision, there was so much to do and i wanted to do it all in one day...I didn't even know where to start. So I spent a lot of time just sitting in a chair and imagining how awesome my new place was going to look as soon as i actually started to do something about it.
It's slowly but surely coming together now.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Newer Crush

Genevieve Meli of Sweet Genius fame. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Another sunday

I like how I spend my sundays and weekends.  I woke up this morning relatively early, for me. 9am.  I'm not sure what I did for most of the morning.  I drank hot cocoa and looked out my window for some time.

 I played my guitar and learned some new songs.  while I sat on my bed strumming and singing love songs, a pretty girl jogged past my house.  

I strummed and sung for a long time.
   then I fed the mouse I caught at 4:30am last night.
         then I packed my car to go surfing even though it was overcast, ugly, rainy and the wind was blowing in the wrong direction. I packed my car, then decided to take a nap first.  so I napped for about an hour,  then I woke up and managed to drag myself to the beach.
            it was beautiful.  it was overcast, and raining hard, but the winds died down so the ocean was glassy. I had much more fun than I expected.  my new wetsuit kept me warm and toasty in the water.  the gray sky, the waves and the rain was an incredible scene. 
            who needs the sun?
     I guess that's it.

this may be my last sunday in this house of my childhood. if it is, it was a nice one.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

I'll be moving into my own little studio annex very soon.  I am excited, not because I'll be moving out of my parents basement but because I've budgeted about 400 bucks for myself to furnish the place.  I'm thinking throw pillows up the wazoo, (tasteful) fuzzy rugs and book shelves full of books.  It's going to be an awesome little bachelor nook I'm creating for myself, yes I am.  I imagine most of my shopping will be done at Ross Stores.  I will have to decipher my way through their disparate styles and endless items that seem so vital and necessary that you buy right away.  No other store can trigger impulse purchases in me, and in most other people I suspect, the way Ross does.  And I don't even think Ross is trying particularly hard to encourage this kind of whimsical consumerism.  it's just inherent to any trip to a Ross.  I'm thinking of a home theater set up too...