Thursday, August 30, 2012

I set my alarm clock for about an hour before my train is suppose to arrive at the destination station. I set it for one hour because I don't want to my miss my stop, obviously, but also because it is useful to track the station stops to figure out just how far along and on-time the train is.  This is in India, of course. 

Most the stations don't have announcements so you can never tell which station you are pulling into.  Many of the stations are less popular, small town destinations so the train stops for literally one minute before it moves on.  So, a lot of times I had to either point and gesticulate and pronounce my destination with a questioning tone to whomever was around me to figure out which stop I was at. Or, I'd stick my head out the door/window and try to find an English sign telling me which town I'm in.  It's how I can figure out how many more stops there are before my station. 

Arriving at my station, I'll climb down from my upper bunk, unchain my bag and wipe off the dust of an eight hour train ride.  With my messenger bag on one shoulder and the bulky backpack on the other, I'll walk off the train and onto the station.  Smell the air.  Feel the cold.  Pat my day bag to make sure my camera, glasses, journal and guidebook are still with me.  check my boardshort pockets for my passport and ATM cards.

I can't imagine how my face looks at times like this. Grinning lips and worried eyes.  Thousand yard stare with an excited smile I can't hide.

I always go to the nearest bench and put my bag down for second to check my guidebook for a last minute orientation on where to find food and shelter.  I also take this time to mentally prepare to deal with the rickshaw drivers and touts who are waiting for me outside the gates.

When it's time to go, I'll squat in front of my backpack on the bench, loop my arms into the straps and jump up to settle the 40 pounds of stuff onto my shoulders.  I'll straighten out my winter coat, secure the waist support belt, adjust the straps for comfort, then throw the messenger bag over my head so it rests against my stomach.  Then I go.

The thing I miss most about India is the Mughlai Chicken.

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