Monday, October 11, 2010

Travel Day

Another long travel day yesterday, it was an 18 hour day. Woke up at 4:30am after a sleepless night. Caught the 5:30am collectivo for 1200 colones. endured a painfully bumpy two and a half hour ride from Pavones to Golfito. From Golfito caught the bus to the "duty Free area". had breakfast with coffee there for 1,900. sat around for a couple of hours, had lunch there for 2,300. caught the bus to the bus terminal and bought a ticket to San Jose for 6,000. waited in an uncomfortable sunny park for a few hours (where did I get the romantic idea that laying on the grass in a sunny park is an enjoyable activity?). Got on the bus at 2:30pm and rode for 7 hours. stopped once to eat rice and salsa dish at a rest stop for 1,600 (saw a girl who was too beautiful to be working at a highway rest stop cafeteria). Arrived in sketchy downtown san jose bus depot at 9:30pm, talked to a hooker for a minute, caught a cab to my old hostel for 1,800.

home sweet home.

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