Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Mr. Irreverence

what happened to my reverence for irreverence?

update: August 30: flippant irreverence is dangerous when unchecked. 

I'm so cool

I am so cool, smart, interesting, useful, etc.  

it's a big beautiful world to see, do, experience, share, etc.

but I only have one life to live to do it all and so I cannot do it all and I'm past the halfway mark now, 

...life is just one endless opportunity cost decision

Friday, August 11, 2023

for the record

if I'm ever found dead from apparent suicide jump from my window.... it wasn't suicide. it's cuz i accidentally
fell out my non-OSHA-compliant window... almost certainly while drunk.

unless this confession affects pay outs in which case I was definitely not drunk,  but was definitely murdered and/or a victim of an act of God and/or gross negligence by the condo AOAO.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

30 days

back home for one month now

was it all a fever dream?  did those things really happen? 

am i what I was before during and after or somebody else since then?