Tuesday, February 28, 2023

door scam

did this mf really sell me a termite infested door to replace my termite infested door?

midlife crisis time? midlife crisis time.

Im leaving my home and job to fly to these countries with a one way ticket, four days before my 39th birthday.

so midlife crisis is a go! it wasn't even intentional.  it came together naturally on it's own. nature taking its course. no mistakes just happy little accidents. 

i realized I was turning 39. I remembered life is what it is.  and now I'm sitting  here with a one way ticket to the opposite end of the globe. 

its time to once again go on a round the world journey to re-find myself. then, everything will be okay. 

how long do midlife crises last?  I only budgeted for 3 months. i hope that's enough. 

Thursday, February 9, 2023

tic tac prices are out of control

find yourself a man who can buy you tic tacs.

Monday, February 6, 2023

pet peeve #87

people who pronounce Oregon as Or-eh-gon.

it's Or-eh-gehn.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

liquid gold

52 minutes in line for the sweet sweet nectar

Friday, February 3, 2023

120 calories

I'm shook.

since when did a tablespoon of cooking oil have 120 calories?!