Thursday, May 20, 2021


oh good!  the fact a word for it exists helps validate the normalcy of my degeneracy.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

lmao, was i just sexually harassed?

im using dirty beach bathroom urinal, guy comes next to me. whips out his sizeable chubby and starts aggressively swinging it around over his urinal, can't help but notice from corner of my eye, notice he's not peeing, he's too young to have prostate problems I thought, the hell he be doing?, don't think much of it, I finish up, as I turn to leave he mumbles something unintelligible to me I give him head nod and walk out, that was weird i thought.  

10 minutes later in car, mfw when I realized I was probably sexually harassed and/or propositioned. 

what the fuck is wrong with guys? who does that?  

does that actually work? what's the success rate to fist in face ratio? 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

the sixth love language

the old mistaken belief is that there are 5 Love Languages™️.  

there are actually six. 

physical touch, quality time, gift giving, words of affirmation, acts of service... and texting funny memes.