Friday, June 21, 2019

cleveland almost

Dang.  Cleveland almost killed me.  coughing so hard I got blood spraying out my nose.

You got me good, Cleveland OH.  I won't be going back willingly anytime soon.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

silver linings

the good thing about being this sick is the great ab workout from all the coughing and hacking.

just wish my eyeballs didn't hurt so much. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


I guess dying from terminal disease is much like the opposite of recovering from the flu.  instead of laying in your bedroom enjoying you're day off from work and the feeling of slowly getting better, you're in a hospital bed and can only expect the symptoms to inevitably get worse until you inevitably die a very uncomfortable death.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Cleveland day 5.1

who needs a dinner companion when I have this table of three loud Italian women to entertain me with their stories and opinions.

I agree, girl. David is gross and Sarah can do so much better. 

girrrrl, I love fudgesicles too!

dont roll your eyes at your mother!  that's disrespectful, girl.

emma had been on zoloft and/or prozac for four years.  but shes doing really good now.  I'm happy for her. 

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Cleveland day 4.3

great classic lounge jazz music in this nice Italian restaurant. 

and boxing on TV cuz why not. 

Cleveland day 4.2

I'm so tired. I want to die. I want to die and I want half the universe to die with me. 

Cleveland day 4.1

I swear to God, if another Phd student uses the word "buckets" one more time...

Friday, June 14, 2019

247am. I'd like you to meet 423am

can one attend 9 hours of academic symposiums with 2 hours of sleep?  we'll soon find out.  they say driving while sleepy is as bad as driving drunk. if so, im gonna be quite drunk while listening to these PhD students talk about their stupid methodologies indicating that tech is bad for workers and good for business. thanks, geniuses.

hello, 2:47am

Cleveland day 3.4

found Honolulu DPP's rubber stamp. 

Cleveland day 3.3

ocean view room.

Cleveland day 3.2

Cleveland day 3.1

Cleveland in a picture.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Cleveland day 2.2

what does this even mean?!

this, I get.

who are you?! why are we all listening to you?!

I'm so tired.

Cleveland day 2.1

Me: [takes 18 hour red eye flight from Hawaii to the east coast, sleep four hours then network with strange men in business suits at a breakfast banquet at a labor-employer relations conference]

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

vegan sushi

vegan sushi has finally made it to Hawaii.

I'll add it my "Uniqlo Metric".  my list of metrics to determine the worth of a city:

1. does your city have a Uniqlo store?
2. does your city have  vegan sushi restaurant?
3. does your city have hipster bar with rope lamps?

Sunday, June 9, 2019

blood wine

is this is my spilled wine or my spilled blood?

considering how much I drank, they were the same thing by that point.

indian dinner round 2

Indian dinner night but with quiche thrown in cuz I do what I want. 

in the post global warming apocalyptic wasteland, barter standards will dictate that one bacon & spinach quiche = one bottle of vanilla extract. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

NYC Day 3: Be the banana





Trapeze was very fun, we nailed it on the first try. 

Polite dinner with the boss, then real dinner after running through a thunderstorm.

NYC Day 3: Trapeze, rainstorms and art

some historic sightseeing

bryant park and more street fairs and silly art and vegan ice cream: