Wednesday, June 27, 2018

6/27/18 This was America

voluntary retirement of Anthony Kennedy. 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Hawaii Kai sand bar

secret Hawaii

aka, the places I never go to because who has the time

I have the time, just have to wake up at 6am on Saturday.

koa pancake house

good news is this place gives the most slices of bacon for a breakfast plate I've ever seen (five slices),  bad news is they somehow managed to make the bacon taste bad. 

reasonably priced and portioned.

2.5 stars. 3 if you know and accept you gon get what you get.

630am, on a Saturday

waking up early on a Saturday morning is the most wonderful,yet annoying thing in the world.  so much productivity, but so early

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

HNL Intl: "I'm at baggage claim 14"

i guess there wasn't enough in the budget for bigger signs.  but it's not like knowing which baggage claim area they are in makes a difference in a visitor's arrival experience. 

Thursday, June 7, 2018


getting out of the gym after it rained to find a warm humid night.

da best.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


it's just past midnight now. I spent the past hours listening to a 7 foot tall morose clown sing my favorite songs.  
this has been a wonderful night. 

what did I do to deserve such happiness?