Tuesday, May 30, 2017

sweet sweet nostalgia

oh man, and when the box finally comes and the teacher passes out your bundle of books. 

...Calvin and Hobbes, Garfield, r.l.stein, maniac McGhee, the giver, my side of the mountain...

Friday, May 12, 2017


my first dry cleaning.

me = adult

Sunday, May 7, 2017

see that HNL? a f'ing yoga room.

spotted at SFO Terminal 3

seize the means of early boarding!

group 5 rise up! seize the means of overhead bin space! throw off the yoke of group one repression.

S.F. 2017 Leftover Thoughts

San Francisco is still the only city I would willingly leave Hawaii for.  I've grown to love this city.  when I'm not here, I'm waiting for an excuse to return . I think about this place and the possibilities the way a high school boy dreams about his crush.

but Hawaii is warmth and home and true love.

give me the Mongolian steppes and a lifetime to walk across it, or give me a prison cell.

pic of the trip:

S.F. May 2017 3

Thursday, May 4, 2017