Saturday, August 29, 2015

why can't her boyfriend surf?

Seal lady

Surfing in the bay.  Didn't realize the lady taking pictures and staring at coastline shrubbery was actually looking at a monk seal.  She sat on the rocks for two hours at least starting at this blob barely distinguishable from the rock it was laying on. 

She was so happy and content to just be near this thing.  The physical proximity to this object was enough to bring her joy.  Just starting at it from a distance and taking pictures. Physical proximity to the object.  A few pictures.  So content. 

I don't even know how she knew it was there, in that hidden cove.  How did she find it? How did she find her joy?  

Friday, August 21, 2015

Major life milestones: 80085

Birth, graduation, marriage, first child, retirement, death... driving your car until it says boobs.

Monday, August 17, 2015

I LOOOOOOVE paying taxes!

Power lines sparked and popped and flamed and exploded then darkness.  no light. then blue lights and red lights of emergency response vehicles.  Then yellow lights of electric company vehicle.  then soft white lights of my bedroom lights returning.  Door to door, not even 45 minutes.  Taxes!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Airport bars

Gotta love them.  Not a big fan of getting drunk On long flights,  but regional flights?  Nothing better.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Bed shopping again.  This time for an exchange.  choosing a bed gives me hives. Nothing is  worse for a  stressful, anxious,  neurotic, second guessing,  indecisive, cheap-ass insomniac like myself. 

Pinky up

Goodbye OBB class of 2015.  fat fat 8

valar morghulis

Let not the beauty of the world deceive.  Or, enjoy it while you can.  Whatever.