Sunday, April 13, 2014


It is cold, windy and rainy.  Perfect weather for drinking coffee and reading about sociopaths.

The book says about 4% of americans are sociopaths.  I can't help but wonder now who in my life is a sociopath. even if that number was way off, if it was 2% or even 1%, that's still kind of a high number.


I woke up this morning surprisingly not too hungover.  I've been handling my hangovers surprisingly well in recent months.  Maybe my body's metabolism has changed now that I'm thirty years old.

Thirty years old.  It makes me sad to think I am now longer a twenty-something.  I am now a thirty am I suppose to dress?  Am I supposed to be in some sort of committed relationship or have kids by now?  Am i supposed to stop swearing and speak with articulateness?  I think at the very least, a 30-something living on his own in a nice condo should at least have real curtains instead of cardboard for his windows.

I ran into an old acquaintance of mine while testifying in front of the Board of Land and Natural Resources, we played football together when we were younger, and i found out some old school buddies are now married and with kids.  these are people i've known since grade school but haven't really talked to since highschool.  i should probably get facebook.