Thursday, January 23, 2014

Organic Jack Cheese with Portabello Mushroom

There's this really good cheese (see title) at Safeway that isn't always available, it's available now.  I would advise anyone reading this to go get some right now.

I love Justin Beiber's DUI mugshot.  The photographer's all like, "Now, give me a bloodshot glazed-eye smile of denial.  Bigger, yes, just like that, hold it... beautiful."

I never paid much attention to Beiber, I've never known more about him then what I accidentally learn from article headlines while perusing Google News for more important things.   I never liked him, but he's really won me over with this picture.  This is a guy with a sense of gallows humor.  To be able to smile like that in a mug shot that probably signals the end of your career takes admirable gumption.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

omelette, toast, salad and grapefruit soup. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

I can see my house from here!

i like this picture.  I like the contrast between the deep and light blues, the shades of verdant green demarcating levels with the rusty brown foreground.

Also, my nekkedness acts as a riveting focal point that provides a delicious aesthetic tension; your eyes can't quite decide whether it wants to ogle the majestic Hawaii landscape or admire the firm, yet soft and pale undertones of my ass.