Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Nofx show was disappointing.  I don't know what was missing last night, I didn't have fun. 

Perhaps I'm getting too old for this stuff?  But to be fair, everyone at the show was well into their twenties if not thirties.  Nofx is not for kids. 

Rice, Poke, Furikake and Doritos Cool Ranch.  Why Doritos?  Because I had a craving for them.  Why did I have a craving for Doritos?  Probably because I was a victim of a well executed online viral marketing campaign. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Oh, how you vex me so.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

oh lawdy am I old!

I just can't headbang like i used to.  I remember back in my day, I could bang from morning till night.  Punk, Metal, Hardcore..if it was rocking, i was banging.  But now?  After just one set by an opening band, my neck and back have fused into one big mass of tightness and pain

Update: and if i had known that Nofx is playing tomorrow night, satruday night, I wouldn't have banged so hard at the metal show.  I would have saved some for the Punk show.  as it is now, i'm so sore and tight, I'm not sure I can give properly at the punk show tomorrow night.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

a musician sings another musicians song.

sings it better, plays it better, feels it better than the original creator.   Does the maker feel jealousy? betrayed by his own creation?  Or does he comprehend with zen like calm? Acquiesce and accept that someone has taken his song and made it better?  Where potential was only half realized, the other saw the full extent of latent potentiality and actualized it.

Does anyone ask how the song feels in all this?  Does anyone care but of their own role?

A man I know is about to fulfill his dream tomorrow evening?  He wants Witness.  I will be Witness.  I will be wittiness and tell his tale in talk of casual conversation. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

I find that the happiest moments of my life now revolve around sleeping in late on Saturday mornings.  It's hard to explain how happy i am when i am laying in bed on friday night, knowing I can sleep in and not have to worry about waking up and doing things the next day.

I've reverted to childhood.

I have realized that it is very important that I avoid real responsibility for the rest of my life.  Nothing must come between me and my lazy Saturday mornings.  Nothing.

If anything could be better than lazy Saturday afternoons, I don't want to know about it.

why does music sound so much better in the car radio?  A new song can sound so awesome and exciting in the car, but not so great when I get home and listen to it again.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

You're alright, Miley're alright.