Sunday, December 23, 2012

I've seen a lot of pretentious art in my time.  In fact, I consider myself a connosieur of pretentious art.  So it was to great delight and disgust that I stumbled upon this: The most pretentious, crap, ridiculous, meaningless, immature, incoherent, amateur, insulting, ugliest piece of shit shit I've ever seen:

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The end of the world

I read somewhere on the internet that if people knew the world was truly going to end,everyone would be running around confessing their love to their secret crushes.  I imagine that would be a pointless task because their object of desire would be too busy having end-of-world sex with his/her significant other to have time to listen to the confession.

But what would I do at the end of the world? I'd probably be too worried about doing the "perfect" last act.  I'd probably get too distracted by deciding if i want to do something crazy, funny, defiant, or serious and just end up missing Armageddon all together.  Procrastination and laziness to the very end; true to who I am, to the end.

I feel an uncomfortable amount of pressure to write an appropriately fitting post for the tomorrow.

If I close my eyes, and imagine really hard that the world ends tomorrow...all I can think about is the deep fryer incident.  I will go to my grave haunted by the deep fryer incident. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Last month of the year

It's true.  When I'm not traveling, i have nothing to say and my life has no meaning.

Me drinking coffee and having a smoke. A moment in El Salvador.

Beans and cigarettes.  The only two food groups available to me on that particular costa rican mountainside.

no wait, there was coffee as well.  So...beans, cheap cigarettes and coffee. 

Those two weeks were the best of my life. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012

I was stuck in traffic in town on my way home from work at 6:30 on a friday night.  It was then I realized if my life was a cell phone, my battery charge would have two bars left.

If I woke up in the morning of a busy Saturday and found that I had two bars left on my phone, I wouldn't be too worried.  Two bars would get me through the day and I would feel confident enough to go about my business and and work through my to-do list.

In real life, two bars of battery remaining would mean I am aware of the decrease in my useful life expectancy, yet have not reached a point where I am worried.  As of this point, I still have enough time to do all the things I have planned and take care of any other unexpected issues that might arise during the day. "day" being life.