Thursday, November 22, 2012

Patriots 49 : Jets 19

For my thanksgiving dinner: one energy bar and half a yam.

It was delicious.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

It seems like everyone around is me having babies. At the same time, everyone around me seems to be dying.  Cancer, babies, suicides, babies, old age, babies.  Babies on purpose, Babies on accident.  Death by accident, death by intention.  Umbilical cords, nooses. C-sections, malignant tumor removal.

"Would you like baby or death?"
"Death, please."

Sunday, November 18, 2012

High School Reunion

I went to my 10 year high school reunion last night.  it was very enjoyable.  i am glad i went. I'm glad i was convinced to go.  I'm glad that many of my classmates are doing well for themselves. I am sad that some of them are stuck in jobs too small for their spirit.  I am a little disappointed that my old high school crush didn't show up...It was nice to see these people, pure and true.  the three hours we were there went by too quickly. 

I have a suspicion that many of them still keep in touch, through face book if nothing else, and that the novelty of the whole night was exciting only for people without facebook, such as myself.

and thank god for alcohol.  liquid confidence. fun in a bottle.

ooh! and for the first time in my life, somebody called me a social butterfly.  I am a social butterfly.  Can I put that on my resume?   
"i am charming and a vicacious people-oriented personality.  I thrive in situations that allow me to interact with clients, co-workers and superiors.  I am energized by new situations and networking opportunities.  I will be a benefit to the company, as it is a sales-driven operation that profits from person-to-person business model paradigms. My greatest weakness is that i probably love people too much and have too much energy and personality, friends call me a social butterfly. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

viva las vegas

Just came back from my Las Vegas trip.  And like all my trips, I learned something profound about myself.  There was a lesson to be distilled.  The lesson I learned, the fact I have accepted, is I am a boring old man. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My partner and I stood with our signs and waved at the early morning traffic driving by.   It was the big day. Election day.  Our organization decided to stake out an intersection next to an all-girls catholic high school.  I noticed most of the cars were filled with teenage girls being dropped off at school.  I figured, what's the point of waving to them if they aren't even old enough to vote?  So, I stopped waving (it's not like they were paying me to do this).  I noticed my partner was still waving, very enthusiastically in fact, at all the cars pulling into the school.  I told him to stop waving at those cars, that it was pointless. He shrugged his shoulders at me and kept waving.  I told him, "those girl area all too young to vote".  He said, "that's not why I'm waving."  Without thinking, I said,  "then why are you waving at them?" He turned around and leered at me.
quite possibly, the saddest thing I ever saw: a man carrying a twin size bed mattress out the door of a RAC Rent-a-Center. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

It doesn't surprise me that it exists; it makes me warm and fuzzy inside, there are videos of people eating potato chips that can be found on the internet.

New Girl

Damn Zooey and her big round eyes.  I hate Zooey Deschanel cuz she's so good at that thing she does.  I hate Zooey's character on the hit TV show New Girl for being so unrealistically dorky yet charmingly loveable for it.  And I hate myself for being such a sucker for that cliche old gimmick.