Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New Girl

I never understood the appeal of Zooey Deschanel, until about last night.  New Girl. It's the kind of TV show you regret watching as soon as the credits roll; the premise, lines, characters, story, jokes are ridiculous, but at the same time, it's all amusing.  And Miss Deschanel is well cast in the role of Jess, as much as i hate to say it.

update: new drinking game:
1. watch New Girl
2. Take a shot every time Zooey's left eyelid takes longer than her right eyelid to blink, close, open, or contribute to a facial expression.  

Monday, October 22, 2012

high school reunion

It's been ten years (already)?
It's been ten  years (only)?

I was recently notified of my high school ten year reunion.  The only reason I found out about it was a chance encounter at the drug store with an old class mate (I really need to get on facebook). For the past ten years I always planned on not going.  I couldn't even say I "planned" on not going, going wasn't even an option.  But, being the person that I occasionally am, i decided to go on a whim.  Better to regret the things you did instead of the things you didn't do, right?

All I need to do now before the reunion next month is lose weight, become rich, and get a hot girlfriend.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Got whacked by my surfboard.  I was coming up to the surface in the white wash and my board was still being tossed around by the water, and just as i came up , the board whacked me right in the head.    I'm wondering if I should give up this hobby.  it's pretty dangerous.  I mean, that cut on my head isn't that bad, but it could have been the skegs that got me, or it could have gotten me right in the nose or eyes.  It hit me hard enough to split my skin.  I wouldn't be surprised if my skull is cracked and I didn't know it and I'm slowly hemorrhaging to death.

In other news, I saw some old friends of mine.  We went to a high school football game. It's nice to see old friends.  However, it wasn't so nice to see my old high school football team lose in the first round of the playoffs. 

Here is a picture of fennel seeds:
fennel seeds are a staple flavoring agent for baked goods such as cookies, bread and cakes.  Fennel is particularly good with pork dishes fish and stronger game dishes like wild boar.  Use fennel seeds to flavor fish, cheese, vegetables and pastries.  Or do like the Indians and serve with crystallized sugar as an after-meal breath freshener.

It's 2am now, there's a meteor shower tonight.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I may be hypochondriac, or I may have nose and throat cancer.  I'm not sure.  I'm leaning towards the interpretation of incurable disease.

I've had the same Bob Marley song stuck in my head for weeks now because somebody at work decided to post lyrics on the bulletin board as an inspirational quote. 

global warming, climate change...i ain't ever seen southerly winds last this long in hawaii.  ever.  2012, if we are lucky, will sort our lives out for us.  

Thursday, October 4, 2012

has old age finally found me?  Last week the waiter at a restaurant merely asked me my age when i ordered a glass of house red wine, he didn't bother to check my ID.  Today, the check out clerk at the supermarket didn't ask me for my ID when I bought a six pack.  Both times I had my ID in my hand, ready to prove my age...

So it goes.  My grandmother, who is very sharp for her age,yet kind of senile, continues to base our conversations around repeatedly asserting I am too skinny and need to eat more.  Our "conversations" could last for as long as 10 or 15 minutes, and based completely around variations and repetitions of her telling me i need to eat more and that I am too skinny.