Thursday, May 24, 2012

Art and Flea

Somewhere in the downtown area...

i stumbled upon a hipster congregation.

Four dollar PBR's, T-shirts with cute pictures and feather earrings.

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Saturday, May 19, 2012


hilltop. ghoulish clouds. white lights. city lights. tradewinds. unlit cigarette. Morrisey. a red shirt. ennui.

Morissey's voice exudes melancholy.  But Morissey himself? A man of humor of the dark type.  I've never heard the word "happy" pronounced with such pitch-perfect scorn. 

I'd like to have a couple of beers with the guy. I think we'd get along just fine.

set list highlights:
How Soon is Now
Shoplifters of the World Unite
Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me (LNIDTSLM)
Please please please let me get what i want (PPPLMGWIW)

After he sang PPPLMGWIW and LNIDTSLM, I realized it was appropriate that I ended up alone at a Morrisey concert.  It wouldn't have made sense any other way.

I forgot to bring my camera to the concert. So, imagine the opposite of this picture, because this is the exact opposite of a Morrissey concert.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Season Finale of Castle

OMG!  It finally happened!  They kissed!  OMG!  They even held hands!  I can't believe it!  Years of sexual tension and it finally happened!  squeeee!  oh man this feels good...

I am such a sucker for this kind of thing. 

It feels good to finally get rewarded for years of loyalty to a otherwise lame, uninspiring, formulaic, unoriginal, cliche, cop show drama.

Plus, it's nice to see Mal finally hook up with the woman he actually wants to be with.  BBF! (Bring Back Firefly!)  But this probably means the show is going to wrap up soon.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Road.  I think my next backpacking trip is going to be a road trip across the US. Who What When Where Why and How TBD.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Fuck Dave. And fuck Buster.  Boycott them. don't give them money.  don't play their games; i mean that literally and figuratively because yes they have video games you can play but i really mean don't get sucked into their mind-games and lies and fraud and misrepresentation.  Argh, this place is worse than that hostel in Saigon!   Don't trust their waitresses who say "you can cash out the card" and then later play dumb and say "Oh, by 'cash out' I thought you meant redeem your remaining points for prizes" (which I wasn't allowed to do either!).  
And what kind of bar charges tax on drinks? The people at Dave and Buster's are terrible human beings and should be ashamed of themselves and the life they've chosen.  If you think about it, selling drugs or sex on a street corner is more honest than what dave and busters does.  at least with the dealer/prostitute you know upfront what you're getting into.