Wednesday, August 24, 2011

She was prettier, taller, funnier, and nicer than all of them. Yet she was the fifth wheel................No, of course she wasn't the fifth wheel, what do you think this is?

Note to Self:

Go to the Avett Brothers concert in 2012.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Wanted: roommate, housemate, lover, life-partner, friend, half-the-rent, or person to help move the couch.

I realized after searching for shelter on Craigslist that human society is not designed to make life easy for poor single people. one bedroom apartments are out of the price range of most poor singles, while one bedrooms are not a problem for couples who can share the bed and rent.

Studio apartments, while reasonably priced, don't provide humane living conditions.

I'm looking for shelter other than my parent's basement and when factoring in Parking, Privacy, Washer/Dryers, Kitchens, Baths, Location, Rent, etc... my options are not really options.

Oh, what our lives are worth.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I just lost 5 bucks at Safeway. At first, I thought I might have thrown it away with the receipt by accident. but I went back and rummaged through the garbage can (nothing I haven’t done before) and didn’t find anything. I believe the cashier didn’t even give me the five bucks change.
All this was brought about by the fact that I didn’t like the way the people were lining up crookedly and ambiguously for the self-checkout stands, so I went to a cashier checkout (which I never use anymore). It ended up taking way longer to buy my loaf of bread AND caused me to lose 5 bucks, PLUS the dollar I decided to donate to muscular dystrophy.
I usually never donate to that kind of thing, but this time I did donate a dollar because I was amused by the interaction between the cashier and the customers in front of me. she kept asking them the same question over and over. Since everyone said “no” to donating to muscular dystrophy, well, I just I had to say "yes".
The second customer mentioned that she asked a lot of questions, but that she did it with a happy voice. Then the cashier informed everyone in line that she has to sign a piece of paper every night before work saying she would ask those questions. “How are you this evening? Did you find everything okay?” Do you have a safeway card? Would you like to donate to Muscular Dystrophy charity? Do you need help to the car?”
So, moral of the story?  never use the cashier checkout lanes, just self-checkout.